The Brief
Mecca, the UK’s longest-running bingo company, wanted to attract new players while addressing the belief that it may not be as future-relevant as other bingo providers, who were more prevalent in the digital space. 
The Insight
We knew that future relevance was important, but actually the biggest category driver is trust and fun. Mecca was regarded as the bingo expert and most trusted largely because it has been around the longest – when you think bingo, you think Mecca. We wanted to use this to our advantage, and showcase that we’ve been around the longest because we know what bingo players actually want; that makes us more future relevant than a new digital bingo app.
The Idea
Playing off the platform that ‘no-one knows play like Mecca’ we took a tongue-in-cheek look at our heritage and the things that people say about Mecca to position it as the go-to destination for new and existing bingo players of all generations. 
‘Legends of play since back in the day’ was born – a playful presentation that leaned into our heritage as a positive rather than a negative. 
Mecca’s most successful and largest campaign to date. 
(Other specific figures currently confidential.) 
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